Hubler For Business Families

2010 Minnesota Family Business Award Winners

Congratulations to the following 2010 Minnesota Family Business Award Winners!

Congratulations to Bill Monson!
Winner of the 2010 Hubler Award for Excellence in Service to Family Businesses which acknowledges professionals serving family businesses for their superior practice, commitment, support and dedication to the success of family businesses and the people behind them. The award also recognizes the recipient's commitment to professional collaboration, using a family systems perspective, and the value of a multidisciplinary approach to serving families in business.

Congratulations to Evolve Systems!
The special recognition for Commitment to the Entrepreneurial Family is unique in that it stretches beyond those family members currently working in the business; seeking to make entrepreneurship part of the family's identity, which is exactly what this year's family business has done by involving their teenage son in a significant role in the business.

Congratulations to Western Bank!
The Economic Development special recognition endeavors to highlight a business that helps companies survive longer and become more financially viable. The winner of this award maximizes stakeholders' value, which, in turn, helps their customers and our communities. 

Congratulations to Homes for Heroes!
The Social Entrepreneurship special recognition is awarded to a company that was started with one thoughtful question and, in turn, created an insightful business that helps others and gives back.

Congratulations to Coborn's!
Commitment to Community Service special recognition is awarded to this next company because it really is the way they've been doing business for years. This company truly does give back to their employees, their community and numerous nonprofits. 

Congratulations to Warners' Stellian!
Emerging Family Businesses range from start-up to first-, second- or even third-generation Minnesota businesses that are beginning the process of developing a solid family business foundation and infrastructure. Policies, procedures and templates for conducting business are in the infant and formation stages. They started their businesses with ideas that will fill the needs of the marketplace and have the potential for a long sustainable history. 

Legacy Family Businesses are maturing Minnesota based businesses that have transitioned through two, three or more generations of family members who have been active in the business. These successful family businesses have a stable infrastructure of business practices. They are also committed to training and equipping future generations of family members for the purpose of succession and growth. Legacy family businesses because of their age have formalized many of the best family business practices related to governance, family participation and regular family meetings that balance the relationship between their family and business. Minnesota is fortunate to several of these amazing companies right here. That's why this year we are thrilled to have three winners in this category. 

Congratulations to all winners and thank you to all who participated in this amazing event. We look forward to next years' awards!

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2010 MN Family Business AwardsImages of 2010 Minnesota Family Business Awards
We are pleased to offer this photo gallery of images of the 2010 Minnesota Family Business Awards. Read More
2010 Minnesota Family Business Award Winners
Congratulations to the following 2010 Minnesota Family Business Award Winners! Read More
2010 Minnesota Family Business Awards Finalists
Hubler for Business Families, in partnership with Minnesota Business Magazine, is pleased to announce the distinguished list of finalists for the 2010 Minnesota Family Business Awards.  Read More
Minnesota Family Business Seminars
As part of our Minnesota Family Business Awards celebration, we will lead special family business seminars. The topics will be informative, educational and timely for anyone involved with a family business. The seminars are free of charge. Read More
2010 Minnesota Family Business Awards
The Minnesota Family Business Awards are dedicated to recognizing outstanding Minnesota-based family businesses, and promoting the considerable value family businesses bring to the state's economy and quality of life. The awards were established through a partnership between Tom Hubler, CEO/founder, Hubler for Business Families, and Minnesota Business magazine. Read More

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Cornerstone of Hubler for Business Families:

The Soul of Family Business


Take this risk-free first step in ensuring the continued success of your family business now. There is no charge for the orientation meeting other than out-of-pocket expenses for travel. 


Does your family business need help with succession planning, conflict resolution, management or other issues? If so, we'll arrange a one-on-one orientation meeting with you and Tom Hubler to help you explore the possibilities of working with us. If you choose, your family and business associates can also attend. Here, in a relaxed environment, you can talk about:

- Key family business issues
- Plans necessary for the success of your family-owned business
- Possibilities and expectations
- Terms of the relationship
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