Our goal is to help the family business operate successfully without normal family entanglements. Our array of family business services reflects that goal. It has been developed to help you become vision driven rather than problem focused.

We offer support to your family to implement practical solutions to your issues. Ownership, leadership, business management, succession, fairness among all parties, goal setting, economic security and life enhancement are covered. Our family business services provide tools for each family and business.
We begin with our Vision for Success
TM - a proven, proprietary solution. This multi-step process helps our clients achieve balance in their business and family and is the core of what we do.
- Succession Planning
- Ownership Succession
- Management and Leadership
- Family Business Conflict Resolution
- Creating Family Unity - Common Family Vision
- Creating Business Success and Plan
- Creating Family Meetings and Family Councils
- Creating Family Participation Plans and Family Business Code of Conduct
- Creating Career and Leadership Plans for Younger Generation Adult Children
- Helping You Create Your Family Business Legacy
- Create Governance Systems (active boards and/or advisory boards)
- Wealth Care Management
- Family Renewal Retreat