Our proven, six-step process helps families and their businesses succeed by identifying concerns and critical questions, and by creating and implementing a successful strategy to address them.
The six steps include:- Initial Consultation
- Family Business Assessment
- Information Analysis
- Family Business Planning Meeting
- Plan Implementation
- Plan Maintenance
Initial ConsultationAn introductory, no-obligation session introduces the principals and other involved family members of your firm to the program. We'll discuss your needs, goals, and how Vision for Success™ can help.
Family Business AssessmentWe conduct a series of confidential interviews to develop the necessary understanding of the issues, concerns, and goals of your family, plus business history, current issues, concerns and future growth. Family members, spouses, key non-family managers, and professional advisors typically participate in the interview process.
Information AnalysisFollowing the interviews and data compilation, we analyze and organize the information. We identify the major issues facing your family business and focus on those issues that will help or hinder your efforts to achieve your goals. We make recommendations that will serve as the foundation for you to create a comprehensive organization plan.
Family Business Planning MeetingWe present and discuss the analysis with you, make recommendations, and then collaborate with you to accomplish two goals at this meeting: to reach a common understanding of issues and concerns, and to create an action plan to address the issues presented. The action plan is your blueprint for future growth for both family and business.
We begin the meeting by assisting you in understanding and honoring differences among you and providing you with communication tools that serve to make your planning meetings successful.
Vision for Success™ Plan ImplementationHere, we collaborate with you and your other professional advisors to implement the plan established at the Planning Meeting. We help you set time lines and delegate responsibility for action. It often includes a series of smaller family discussions, facilitated by a Hubler for Business Families consultant. In this meeting, the Vision for Success™ program answers critical questions raised earlier in the engagement and assists your family-owned business in successfully achieving its goals.
Plan MaintenanceAn integral part of the program includes periodic reviews with you and your staff during and after the implementation phase. Together, we'll evaluate your progress and make any necessary modifications to your action plan. With the knowledge that key issues and relationships are interwoven in a family-owned business, this program gives you the skills to manage those issues and create the relationships you envision to benefit both family and business.
Having a clear picture of what you want for your business and your family is essential for success and satisfaction. We can help you with your Vision for Success™.
Email us, call us at 612.375.0640, or fill out our
contact form.