Hubler For Business Families

Family Business Planning Overlooked Yet Vital to Continued Success

Do you neglect planning in your family businesses? It's not unusual. Entrepreneurs who run family businesses often spend all their time doing business rather than managing it. The value of planning in a family business is discovered too late. It doesn't have to be that way. We can help you define and strengthen your culture by finding the best way to sustain your company's success. Through planning, the family business can:
  • Confidently build for the next generation
  • Prepare, project and maintain the heritage
  • Fairly balance the interests and perspectives of everyone-employees, family employees and family members not in the business
  • Stimulate unencumbered business operations

The only truly enduring competitive advantage is a trusted, principled company culture of committed people aligned to a common family vision. Each family is unique and every business works differently. But competitors cannot copy the spirit and interactions of your people.

We also have access to many professionals who can provide insight into these family business planning topics:

  • Strategic planning
  • Strategic alignment
  • Marketing plan
  • Objective performance metrics
  • Family and business unity
  • Unique Selling Position
  • Branding and key messages
  • Team building
  • Formal business plan
  • Owner agreement on plan assumptions
  • Establishing a board of directors
Help ensure a more successful future for yourself and generations to come. We can help you with your family business planning with our exclusive Vision for Successtm. Contact us today by Email, call us at 612.375.0640, or fill out our contact form.

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Now Available:

Cornerstone of Hubler for Business Families:

The Soul of Family Business


Take this risk-free first step in ensuring the continued success of your family business now. There is no charge for the orientation meeting other than out-of-pocket expenses for travel. 


Does your family business need help with succession planning, conflict resolution, management or other issues? If so, we'll arrange a one-on-one orientation meeting with you and Tom Hubler to help you explore the possibilities of working with us. If you choose, your family and business associates can also attend. Here, in a relaxed environment, you can talk about:

- Key family business issues
- Plans necessary for the success of your family-owned business
- Possibilities and expectations
- Terms of the relationship
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