The Hanson family was a wonderful family where the father created an estate plan for his four sons that would allow the oldest son to have control of the company. The three younger sons were not active in the company and began to question their brother's salary, which was creating a major rift in the family. As a result of numerous family meetings, the family began to evaluate whether it was a good idea to be in business together and determined after a rather lengthy and complicated analysis to have the older brother buy out the other three. The family was determined that they wanted to continue the relationship with the family despite the strong emotional connection to the company and not let business further erode the relationship. The vision that they created focused on the idea of a tree. The second oldest brother, who had an artistic talent, created the tree with family values around the circumference. The higher ones represented the branches and the lower ones the roots.
Prayer for Loving Kindness
May our family be filled with loving kindness
May we be well
May our family be peaceful and at ease
May our family be happy
HANSON COMMON FAMILY VISIONLike a living tree our family is strong and flexible. We share our lives together and support each other in joy and grief. With the celebration of our values and gifts we give to others and strengthen our communities.
I am alive each day with a healthy body and mind enabling me to appreciate the joys, challenges, and experiences open to me. I successfully transmit my values, knowledge, and wisdom of a lifetime to my children and grandchildren. My life abounds with love to and from wife and family and friends. I consistently pursue my life purpose of knowing, serving and experiencing.
May Alice experience a sense of peacefulness and joy as she gives and receives love and grows in her ability to serve and learn.
May Gary connect with others in a soulful and heart-centered manner with music that touches others and highlights his regard for beauty, respect and a supportive community.
May Cindy experience the blessings and limitations of herself and others and give and accept support freely so that she may grow in love and increase her impact on the world. May she dare to live and work among the best.
May Stan experience support, humility, compassion and fulfillment as he contributes to his own and his family's well being.
May Laura experience her vision of a compassionate community.
May Mark experience harmonious balance in his family and work and many his relationships continue to be close, enjoyable and fulfilling as he experiences a sense of pride in his two sons.
May Kristin experience success in her boldness to create originality, joy, health and harmony.